Wrangler 12 Pelleted Livestock Feed
Wrangler 12 Pelleted Livestock Feed is designed to feed a wide range of farm animals including adult maintenance horses, weaned cattle and all classes of sheep and goats. The perfect all farm feed, with 12% protein.
Feeding Instructions
Cattle: Start feeding cattle at the rate of 1% of bodyweight, following acclimation, feed to desired level of body condition. Provide adequate amounts of good quality roughage and plenty of fresh, clean water.
Sheep & Goats: Feed to sheep and goats at the rate of 1.0 to 1.5 LB per 100 LB bodyweight. Provide sufficient roughage as hay or pasture and fresh, clean water.
Adult Maintenance Horses: Feed at the rate of 0.75 to 1.5 LB per 100 LB bodyweight per day depending upon bodycondition and amount of work or exercise. Provide free access or 1 to 2 LB of good quality long-stem hay or free access to quality forage pasture. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. Horses that have been exercised should be cooled out and re-hydrated properly before being fed and before having access to unlimited water